Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Coach Nick's "Warrior Workout Wednesdays" Top 5 Mistakes in The Gym & Kettlebell Circuit

1. GET OFF THE PHONE!!!- Keep your cell phone in your gym bag or your car and out of your reach during your workouts. I know, some of you have kids and big time careers and feel obligated to have your phone with you at all times. That might be true but it sounds like another excuse to not cut out the number one thing that distracts you from your workouts, your lifeline! Try to leave your phone unattached from your fingertips for a few workouts this week and see how much more you can focus on your workout.

2. WARM UP!!!- I have covered the warm up in my recent blogs this past month. Watch the videos, read the blogs, and get your body prepped for the workout! You need to break a sweat before you wind up breaking a leg! Make sure you are following a routine of warming up, stretching dynamically, exercising, and post- workout stretching. These are things that are too neglected in your everyday workout routine.

3. RESTING!!!- Rest is good! Without rest, you cannot recover. Recovery is very important during and after exercise. Make sure you are timing your rest periods in between exercises and sets so you are consistent week to week. How much time you spend between sets determines a great deal of your strength gains each week and the amount of time you spend in the gym. Yea it’s great to have a workout partner with you to provide support but if you are bullshitting with him/her more then you should be things must be changed. You are in the gym to workout, not bullshit. I love catching up with friends and as I train most of my client’s one on one, they know I will talk to them but when the timer rings for the next set, it’s all business.

4. EAT AND HYDRATE!!!- I get it, you want to lose weight, be fit,  and you want to limit your caloric intake. Less Calories, less weight, makes total sense right? WRONG! If you do not eat breakfast at some point in your morning leading up to your workout I promise you will feel weak and tired. Maybe not during or immediately after your workout but the negative effects will begin to add up. Eating will provide you energy for your workout. Staying hydrated will make sure you do not cramp up or become weak during your workout. Both will help your workout! Keep eating and drinking.

5. SWITCH THINGS UP!!!- To stay physically fit requires a lot of hard work but as I explained in my past blog, consistency needs some moderation. If you wish to continue exercising each week you are going to need to keep things fresh. People want results and people want to do things that make them happy. Seeing results is a positive and so is a beast workout! You do not need to do the same thing every time you are in the gym. If you have trained with me you notice that I am always switching things up. People say it’s good because it shocks your body. I believe that but I do it more to keep you from getting bored. I personally need things to switch up or ill be bored for my whole workout. So if every Monday you do bench press for 3 sets of 10 or hit the treadmill to warm up for 5 minutes switch it up! Get creative and personalize your workouts.

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